Powell River Visitor Centre
4760 Joyce Avenue

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Mon – Sat 9:00 – 3:00


Puddles Happen

Puddles Happen
Heading out on a hike in rainy June. The group was headed toward Ireland Lake, part of the Powell Forest Canoe Route. After a beautiful drive down the wrong logging road and making it almost to Khartoum Lake (the complete wrong direction) we turned around and headed in the correct direction. Turning off the main forest service road after Nanton Lake, and parking at the intersection of the Powell Forest Canoe Route, we headed out on the hike. Not long into the hike we came across a huge puddle that went straight across the trail. Jenner went into the puddle to investigate for the group and found that the puddle came up to her chest. After trying to get around the puddle we gave up and turned around heading back to the car. While driving back into town we were hit by a downpour of rain. Not sure what we were expecting when hiking in June. Days later it was reported that there were grizzly bears in that exact area. Just goes to show that everything happens for a reason, and to trust your gut instincts when something doesn’t feel right, while out in the backcountry.

Puddles Happen Again
The group headed out for another adventure. Today we will get to Rainy Day Hut and enjoy the view at the lake. Heading south of town and taking a left before the ticket booth of the Saltery Bay ferry and onto the logging road. Taking the right side road just past the pole line we headed up a bumpy hill, at the top we climbed the second rocky hill. Once we were within the trees, we found our parking spot and grabbed our packs. Heading out on this trail enjoying the flat easy walk along the lake. Within a few moments we found a huge puddle up ahead, the lake was overflowing… Jenner heads into the puddle to investigate for the group, again finding the water up to her chest. After searching to get around the puddle, the group gave up and headed back to the car. We got back to the car and realized that the propane for the stove had fallen out of someone’s pack. If we had continued on the hike, we wouldn’t have had a very enjoyable lunch. Not sure what we were expecting when hiking in June.

Surviving Puddles
Oh, that’s right it’s adventure time again! This time we are prepared, maybe! We have sandwiches and water (and kibble for Jenner) in our packs for the trip to Lang Creek. Everyone’s in the car and the group is heading out, onto the Duck Lake Forest Service Road, we find the small sign that’s hiding up in a tree. Once on the trail we see all these beautifully painted rocks that seem to be everywhere on trails now-a-days. The trail is a bit steep but not terrible. Making it to the first picnic benches we enjoy lunch and some tea, while Jenner enjoyed sniffing around. Getting back to hiking we soon found the Recreation Site not far from where we ate our lunch. The site has the beautiful picturesque waterfall. After Jenner fetched a few sticks we continued on the trail, hiking up and looping around we connected with what looked like an old logging road. On this road we came across three puddles the first two were easy to navigate around. The last was more difficult, feeling determined to not have to go all the way back the group bush whack around the huge puddle. Of course, Jenner just walked right through the middle of all. Not sure what we were expecting when hiking in June.