Powell River Visitor Centre
4760 Joyce Avenue

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Kayaking Desolation Sound

Kayaking into Desolation Sound

Kayaking into Desolation Sound

Summertime is perfect for kayaking trips in the Powell River area. June, July, August, and even September are the perfect months for a tranquil kayak adventure. In July, myself and three friends left Okeover inlet early one morning and set off for our overnight kayak adventure. The morning was calm in the inlet, and we enjoyed our time by stopping to take pictures, enjoy the scenery, and admire the beautiful homes along the coastline. After two hours of paddling we stopped to enjoy our lunch at the beautiful Hare Point. This location was scenic and looked like a great spot for camping on the picturesque tent platforms. From here, we could really see the current pulling along the coast with the tides. After lunch we set off to our final destination of Tenedos Bay campground, which took us another 3 hours of paddling. This area was more open and tended to be a little rougher. Once arriving at Tenedos Bay, we set up camp, hiked up to Unwin Lake, and enjoyed our evening before paddling back the next day. The trip overall was a little under 50 kilometres, and 10 hours of paddling. This is not overly recommended for beginners but is well worth the journey.