Powell River Visitor Centre
4760 Joyce Avenue

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Mon – Sat 9:00 – 3:00

Cabin Life

Cabin Life with Tippy

Cabin Life with Tippy

Many people in Powell River enjoy the luxury of ‘heading to the cabin’ for the weekend. Often you might hear locals say they are ‘heading up the lake’ meaning they are going to their float cabin on Powell Lake for the weekend, or they are heading to the cabin in a different location. Some families have cabins on the many lakes, and some even have land cabins along the ocean shoreline. Visitors can experience this by renting their own cabin for a week and experience that priceless cabin lifestyle that many Powell Riverites get to enjoy. Bringing dogs to the cabins is common, and I often love to bring my own dog, Tippy, to my family cabin. She loves fetching for sticks, taking long naps, and jumping on the paddle board for a quick paddle around the bay. Sometimes we watch for whales and ‘water dogs’ aka seals, from the cliffs we walk to, and Tippy loves to make sure we are all together as a family while doing so. Tippy’s favourite activity is to jump on the paddle board with me. She sits on the board with a stick and enjoys the scenery and smells all the seals and sea lions around. Everything is more fun with a doggo present.